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Fsb Overclock Program For Intel

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by lesnirimin1979 2020. 2. 12. 01:49


  1. Overclock Intel Cpu

​ What is SetFSB? SetFSB is a program that makes possible control the PLL(Clock Generator) on your board, so you can control the FSB and PCI/PCI-E buses while in Windows. That way you can overclock your CPU and system memory too. What is SetFSB Automatic Tool? I decided to make this tool, because when you shutdown(to power off/standby) all the settings that you have made within SetFSB are lost.

Then you need to re-enter and re-setting the FSB again. So with this tool you don´t need to do anything, it will set a predefined overclock automatically on systems boot. Because the M570RU´s clock generator resets on shutdown(standby) but keeps its settings when you restart(the power is not cut), this tool will automatically detect that situation an will not rise the FSB again. How to in 3 steps: 1 Download SetFSB from here: Extract and run the AutoToolInstaller.exe. Accept and click the install button. (It will create a folder with the SetFSB files on C: ) 2 Then download(below) the SetFSB Auto Tool Configuration and Auto Tool OC ON.

Place the both.exes anywere you like, desktop, programs, etc. If you need to reset your CPU to the stock frequency, just download(below) the SetFSB Auto Tool OC OFF. Place it anywere you like, desktop, programs, etc. 3 Now, run the Auto Tool Configuration Utility. It will ask for the stock CPU frequency.

Enter it on Mhz units. Then click OK. Next it will ask for the Max multiplier of your CPU. Then click OK. Finally it will ask for the desired overclocking frequency. Enter it on Mhz units.

Then click OK. Example: For one Intel Core 2 Duo T7700 Stock CPU Frequency: 2400 Max Multiplier: 12 Overclocked CPU frequency: 2900 If you have problems knowing about any of these fields, try the. If you still have doubts, just ask here that I will gladly help you. Now, if you want to apply the overclock automatically to the CPU when your system boots up, just follow these 3 steps: 1 Click Start - All Programs - Startup.

Right click over 'Startup', chose open/explore. 2 Now that we have the Startup folder open, copy the SetFSBAutoToolOCON.exe to the Startup folder. 3 Finally, check the Startup folder via Start Menu to confirm. Make sure that you have selected the correct and funcional PLL/Clock Generator for your machine. (Clevos M570RU/71RU/72RU/73RU use the ICS9LPR363DGLF PLL). ​ SetFSB Auto Tool Configuration - This tool will configure your overclock profile.

Just copy it to your desktop or any other place and double-click on it. SetFSB Auto Tool OC ON - Every time your computers starts or you run this tool manually, the SetFSB Auto Tool will automatically apply the predefined overclock to your CPU. Remember to test first in small Mhz steps. One tray baloon will automatically pop up, warning you about the overclocking frequency that was applied to your CPU. Code: BRelease Notes:/B Improvements over version 2.1: I- Added support for all CPUs(limited only by the support of your PLL) - Added support for 166 and 266Mhz FSBs - Added user friendly configuration with GUI support - Added the display of the overclocked frequency applied to the CPU/I v3.1 I- First public release!/I. For version 3.2, custom overclocking profiles.

Compatible with: - Vista x86/x64 - XP x86/x64 I hope that this little tool will be useful to you, as it was for me. I tested it exhaustively, but if you find any bug or error, please report it in this topic.

First of all let me make it clear that overclocking basically means to over-work your hardware and make it operate beyond what it was designed to do. This can sometimes result in permanent damage to your hardware. But don't be afraid, if you carefully follow these instructions, be patient and calm, overclocking will become second nature and you won't end up damaging anything. Let me also make it clear that there can be no definitive step-by-step guide to overclocking in this world, each individual component has different limits and each motherboard has different options and BIOS versions, meaning that OCing (I'll refer to overclocking as OCing from now on) is more of an art then it is a science. This instructable is strictly for Intel CPUs, AMD OCing is drastically different.

Step 1: Requirements and Considerations. First of all, I would like to mention that OCing of Intel CPUs can be done in two main fundamental ways: 1) Increasing the Front Side Bus (FSB), which means to increase the data transfer rate between the CPU and RAM 2) Increasing the multiplier, this option isn't available to most users since almost all Intel CPUs apart for the Pentium Extreme Edition and Core 2 Extreme have their multipliers locked. Another thing is that we would be using the BIOS to perform all our tweaks, there are various softwares out there, but they only support a limited number of motherboards and are not that reliable. Also note that when you OC CPUs, you are also OCing your motherboard (in which the FSB is implanted) and your RAM. OCing RAM is notoriously tough and risky, but you can deal with this issue by decreasing the FSB:DRAM ratio we will be discussing later. Ideally, you'd want these motherboards to OC on: Intel P35 Intel X35 Intel P45 These motherboards are not so good at OCing: Intel 946 chipset (though I personally have it and managed a 25% OC without any problems) Perhaps the biggest problem with OCing any component is overheating. If you want really high OCing capacity of 70%+ then nothing other then a water or liquid cooling system will do.

Mid-range to high-end air cooling is known to be able to OC to around 60% while stock cooling can only reach 30% at max (my E2160 has stock cooling and a 25% OC). There is no exact temperature limit for any CPU. But as a general rule, you wouldn't want your temperature at any more then 75 (degrees celsius) under load.

Having it at above 60 degrees shortens the lifespan but that shouldn't be a worry if you don't plan on using your CPU for more then 2 years. Recommended software To check for basic statistics regarding your CPU, I strongly suggest that you download the CPU-Z utility from: And get Speedfan for closely monitoring your temperatures, but before this, look around the CDs your motherboard came with for a specific utility for monitoring them. ASUS motherboards for example, come with ASUS PC-Probe which is far more accurate then universal monitors. But here's the download link if you don't have one: Also, download a simple application called SuperPI, which essentially gives your CPU a task to do and times how long it takes for the task's completion. Note that this application doesn't support multi-threading meaning it can only utilize the power of one core even if you have 2 or 4 But the purpose here is to check for basic stability and performance increase. You can get it form here: Step 2: Entering the BIOS.

Now then, its time to get down to some actual OCing. Enter your BIOS and navigate to something like 'Advanced Settings', if you have an ASUS motherboard, then I can tell you to straightaway enter the 'Jumper-Free configuration' in the 'Advanced' tab.

Regardless, in all motherboards, all the OCing options are located in one place. For details as to where these options are, refer to your motherboard's manual or download it online. I recommend that before proceeding, you disable C1E support.

For ASUS motherboards, it can be found in the 'CPU Configuration', its optional though, I haven't done it. Step 3: Changing the Values. Lets get OCing. First of all, you want to increase your bus speed which is at 100MHz - 400MHz. Note that this value, multiplied with the multiplier, equals your final CPU clock speed in MHz. So in the case of my dual-core E2160, the default bus speed (200) multiplied by the multiplier (9x) equals 1800MHz or 1.8 GHz.

So, get down to increasing the bus speed, make only minor increments at once, don't get over-confident or impatient, this is what results in accidents. Increase the value by 5 at maximum at one time.

Then save changes and exit the BIOS. Next, see if your Windows boots or not, if it fails to boot or restarts automatically during or after the boot process, it means you've gone too far. Re-enter the BIOS and step the CPU back down.

If it goes strong however, do some benchmarking of your system using something like SuperPI, and to be 100% sure, run some games for a while. If it remains stable, head beck into the BIOS and step the CPU up again, repeat this process until your you experience instability. Step 4: The CPU Won't Overclock Any Further!! Sooner or later, you'll hit a point where the CPU just can't take it anymore and you will start experiencing instability.

But don't be depressed just yet, there is a way around: 1) the most common way is to increase the CPU vcore voltage. Make only 0.05 - 0.1 volts increments at once, anymore could permanently damage your CPU. This is a very common tactic since an OCed CPU needs more watts and volts to handle the extra tasks at hand. Also note that 'AUTO' settings aren't at all good ionce, even at stock, they supply too much or too little voltage. Also don't increase your voltage too much, anything above 1.4v for a Core 2 chip is not recommended since it increases electronic migration and drastically decreases your CPU's life. 2) Before you increases the voltage however, I recommend that you step down your RAM timings as well. Check your specific RAM model number for its details specifications.

If you find that it has something like PC2-5300 on it or 667 MHz, then it means your RAM operates at 667 MHz. If it has PC2-6400 said or 800 MHz, then it means your RAM operates at 800 MHz.

If you have PC2-4200 or 533 MHz said, it means your RAM operates at 533 MHz. In cases of expensive RAM, you may have 1066 or even 1200 MHz RAM, which is, in effect, factory OCed RAM that is stable.

Fsb Overclock Program For Intel

Check CPU-Z for your RAM frequency. Make sure your RAM isn't OCed by anymore then 15% because this isn't very good for your RAM's life and health. Decrease your RAM's frequency by 133 MHz (which will be the default option i.e. You will be allowed to choose from 533, 667, 800 depending on the maximum frequency your RAM can handle). By doing so, your FSB:DRAM ratio automatically drops or it may be possibe that you have a direct option to change this ratio In some motherboard BIOS, you might be able to enter a specific number manually which is even better. Once you decrease the RAM frequency, your OC will only add to that decreased number, which means, that in the end, your RAM will be operating somewhere close to its desired speed. The RAM's frequency will be mentioned as DRAM frequency in your BIOS.

However, if you have 553 MHz (or PC2-4200) RAM, then you might not be able to select any lower option since this is the slowest speed at which DDR2 RAM operates. Note: Theses specific numbers (i.e. 533, 667 and 800 are unique to DDR2 RAM.

For other RAM types such as DDR, SDRAM the values will be lower while for DDR3, they will be significantly higher 3) Just be happy with what you have and quit OCing! (not the desired option for a brave person) Step 5: Future Advice and Troubleshooting. No then, if you have been successful, you'll be happy to get some extra performance at no extra cost. But do note that, some time in the future, you may experience instability which may make a late appearance as your CPU ages. In such cases, down-clock your CPU just enough to make it stable. You might find my guide missing some information, this is because I have tried to make it short unlike all the other guides on the Internet which are of 10 pages! I've shortened it to the best of my capabilities and have missed out on a number of things.

If you have a query, then please feel free to ask any questions through comments. As I said before, it isn't possible to make a complete how-to guide for OCing since it differs from case to case but, again, feel free to ask! And remember, (I don't want to sound like an Intel fanboy but I'm forced to say this) I can only help you with Intel processors. AMD overdrive and HyperTransport works in a completely different way, but you can still ask and hope for someone else to answer. HAPPY OVERCLOCKING! Got same CPU(E2160) and had it OC up to 2.7GHz with stock Gigabyte mb (don't remember exactly which one). Temperatures was good(60 under heavy benchmarks 50 while gaming).

Overclock Intel Cpu

Motherboard worked without OC for 5 yers and year or two before it stop working and repair guy said that after repair some parts he does not know how to make it work again. So he just plugged in some crappy MSI 945V2 with 2gb memory @667MHz max. This system was OC to 2.16GHz and work 2 years. All this time with intel 775 box cooler, legs was broken when migrating to new mb so i modified them to simple screws, changed thermo interface and got 45 under heviest load. Cooling all time was with 120mm fan linked to power supply and videocard fan. Why i`m here?

Wonder how to OC my Lap with intel 3825U (i know about heat and blah blah.) Already OC GPU (NV 920m) with Msi afterburner(memory +255, core+50-70). Hello, I read the gourde and I'm thinking about an OC. But the thing is that I have an older laptop which can not even run games, like the low end ones. I heard the the Pentium cps are really overclockable and I wanted to ask if it would even be worth it. I will give you my laptop model and the cpu model. CPU: Intel® Pentium® processor P6100 LAPTOP: Toshiba satellite C660 - 16Z It's quite old and that's all I have but CSGO runs at less than 20FPS. And it's not even a demanding title.I have every setting on low and the resolution of 800 x 600 it is frustrating.

I'm getting a PC after the summer but I feel like trying to overclock it. Any suggestions and help on how to do it? Rofl, not a mac, I despise them.

Lol no, some cpu's 100mhz over stock freq can 1/2 its expected life, they are made to a degree where they reach 'WEAR POINT' where the cpu will dramatically lose life due to the overclock for eg. Lets take a E1400 LGA775 They are fine to 25% over clock where the CPU sits at CORES:2.5ghz FSB: 1000mhz it will be losing approx. 1/2 of its life at that OC But when we jump up to a 30% which will be CORES: 2.6ghz FSB: 1040mhz the 'wear rate' of the cpu is almost 1/2 over the previous OC due to the geometric rate of break down inside of the CPU. Meaning it will take around 3/4 of its life off low OC's on tough CPU'S will last just as long as they where running on stock freq, for EG the E1400 is a very strong cpu and will easily take a beating, running at 20% OC will hardly take any life off it, its just when you jump up just that little more things start to brake down 10x faster its sort of confusing. I hope you understand. Ive got a spare core 2 duo that im gonna overclock :) i have a better version of intel's d945gtp that im gonna use, same board, but different components, its a spare so im gonna try it, just have to find some ram for it, then a totally massive (possibly so massive it'll have to be custom machined) i intend to gain at least another gigahert over what it currently has, a massive heatsink will be almost necessary, since i cant afford water cooling. Who thinks a heatsink the size of the board would be too big?